Coldingham Bay

Un peu plus bas sur la côte Est que Pease Bay, à deux pas de la frontière Anglaise, se trouve une autre baie féérique et sauvage.
A little bit further on the East Coast than Pease Bay, near the English border, is located another fairy like and wild bay.

Le soleil bas des courtes journees d'hiver illumine d'une lueur orangee la cote au relief torture
The rising sun of the short winter days throws many orange lights on this chaotic shaped coast

Dand une crique voisine, les vagues explosent sur les rochers saillants.
In a next creek, the waves are smashing on the sharped rocks.
Coldingham Bay est connue pour etre un lieu geologiquement tres interessant. En effet, a l'Est se trouve le fameux "siccar point", point de jonction du plateau continental Nord-Americain avec le plateau continental Europeen. Cette rencontre fut un bouleversement du relief, qui est a l'origine des montagnes Ecossaises.
Coldingham Bay is well known to be a very interesting geological place. In fact, on the East side is located the famous "siccar point",juction between the Northern American continental plate and the Europeean continental plate. This was a very chaotic meeting, which is at the origin of the Scottish mountains.

Pour en savoir plus sur ce lieu, jetez un oeuil sur les recherches menees par:
To find out more about this place, have a look to the research made by:
Dr Cliff Ford ( University of Edinburgh Geology Department ) and Gordon Watson ( Edinburgh Virtual Enivronment Centre )
Siccar Point and Pease Bay Preview
Pease Bay et Coldingham Bay sont les plages favorites du Strathclyde University Surf Club:
Pease Bay and Coldingham are the favourite beaches of the Strathclyde University Surf Club:

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